Patient Services


Cataract Surgery

If you are suffering from visual problems such as blurring, difficulty reading or glare and have been told, or think that you may have cataracts,  Mr Sullivan can offer assessment and bespoke Cataract surgery with standard and premium lens replacement.

Intravitreal Injections

Many patients who have problems with the retina or macula require frequent injections of a drug into the eye. Timely assessment and treatment can be offered for all diseases requiring intravitreal injections.

Management of retinal diseases

There are a wide range of conditions that can affect the macula and retina and many need expert assessment to diagnose and monitor the affect on your vision. Mr Sullivan has extensive experience in this area and can provide expert opinion and management.

Laser Treatment

Laser is a common treatment for eye problems and can be used to treat visual problems after cataract surgery, for diabetes and retinal diseases. Mr Sullivan leads the regional simulation training on laser and can offer you treatment for various conditions.